Faith Regional Physician Services Occupational Medicine promotes health in the work place to prevent injuries and illnesses before they happen. We also manage injuries, illnesses, and work disabilities to get employees back to work quickly and safely. 

Our goal is to improve the health of your employees and strengthen their relationship with you, the employer, by helping reduce unnecessary health insurance and workers’ compensation cost. 

Our services include: 

Audiometric Screenings: Hearing screenings available for new hires as well as annual screenings for current employees exposed to workplace noise. Testing can be conducted on-site or at Faith Regional. 

Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Management: Employees who have experienced a needlestick or other potential exposure to bloodborne pathogens need prompt evaluation to determine whether medication is needed to prevent transmission of infection. We prioritize these urgent evaluations so we can provide timely post-exposure HIV prophylaxis if indicated. We also perform indicated lab testing, hepatitis B immunization, and a follow-up as per the OSHA standard. 

Exposure Surveillance Examinations: Exams may be required, in accordance with regulations by OSHA or other government agencies. We use exposure-related exams to monitor the health of your employees who are exposed to hazardous materials or working conditions. Examples include asbestos, lead, silica, or noise. We can also perform mandated exams to ensure your employees meet specific medical criteria for a job. 

FMCSA (DOT certified  driver) Examinations: Commercial drivers need to meet strict medical requirements to obtain their commercial license. Our providers are trained in FMCSA driver standards and have passed the FMCSA registry examination. We also offer examinations for other types of regulated work, including aviation medical evaluations and commercial driving. 

Health & Productivity Management: Our team will work with your benefits team to develop a program to lower health risks, reduce the burden of illness, improve productivity, and reduce health-related costs. The health and productivity process involves measuring workplace health costs, evaluating the factors that are driving those costs, and creating value-based health enhancement programs and strategies for your workforce, based on research evidence. 

Impairment Rating Examinations: Rating determines the degree of permanent impairment when an employee has reached the point of maximum medical improvement after a work injury or illness but has not returned to a baseline. Our providers are experienced in evaluating functional impairment based on the specific set of impairment rating guidelines that apply in a given case, depending on the jurisdiction. 

Independent Medical Evaluations: Our occupational medicine physician conducts independent medical evaluations to provide an objective assessment to help answer specific legal or administrative questions about the health status of an employee. Exam can address degree of work disability, prognosis for improvement, or need for additional treatment. Exams typically involve reviewing copious medical documentation, performing and documenting a careful examination, and conducting thoughtful analysis of specific questions. 

Occupational Medicine Consultation Services: Our team will work with you, your benefits team, safety managers and other leadership within your organization as requested related to occupational medicine opportunities. These include, but are not limited to, occupational hazards (build comprehensive programs to prevent and mitigate occupational injuries and illnesses) and workplace wellness programs (implemented to improve the health status of your organization by improving productivity resulting in reduced health-related costs to your organization). 

On-Site Health Screenings: Health screening includes biometric measurements and lab draws of your choice. Biometric measurements may include height, weight, blood pressure, pulse & waist measurements. Lab draws may include, but are not limited to, a complete blood count (CBC), complete metabolic panel (CMP), lipid panel, fasting glucose, TSH, HgbA1C, and/or PSA.

Pre-Placement/Post-Offer Examinations: Determines if a job candidate has the physical capabilities to safely meet the specific demands of a job. Exams are appropriate for jobs with written descriptions of the physical and psychological demands of the essential job duties and may be mandated for some positions.

Respiratory Protection Programs:

  • Respirator Medical Evaluations includes a questionnaire to assess their medical ability to wear a respirator. All evaluations are reviewed by our Occupational Medicine physician and/or licensed healthcare provider.
  • Pulmonary Function Testing checks the vital capacity of the lungs. Tests employees for a possible lung condition that may impair the airflow (in or out) while wearing a respirator. This may be generated by a history of exposure to known hazards, or for persons with asthma or cardiac issues.
  • Respirator Fit Testing is required by OSHA for employees who use respirators for protection of known or suspected hazards in the workplace. 

Second Opinion Examinations: Exams used to address questions about appropriateness of treatment, work capacity, work causation, or duration of disability. We provide second opinion examinations when the workers’ compensation or disability insurance system needs an opinion other than that of the treating provider. We can also provide these opinions as consultants when requested by the employee or a member of the treatment team. 

Smoking Cessation Program: This 7-week course is instructed by certified smoking cessation facilitators who have gone through the American Lung Association’s Freedom from Smoking training. Sessions incorporate proven methods of successful cessation such as lifestyle changes, self-confidence, stress management and relaxation techniques, weight management tips, and more. 

Stay at Work/Return to Work Program Support: Manage complicated cases of occupational illness, injuries, or disabilities. We can help proactively, based on identified risk for delayed recovery or work disability, or reactively after complications have already developed. Services include evaluating an employee’s health and fitness for duty and developing a treatment and return-to-work plan that supports optimal recovery. 

Testing for Drugs & Alcohol (24hr service available through Urgent Care or Emergency Room): Our team will set up testing requirements to ensure compliance with the law and best practices for collection, testing, and reporting

Treatment of Work Injuries & Illnesses: We partner with you to get your employees back to work – pain free, at 100% capacity as soon as possible – saving your organization both time and money

Vaccinations: Immunizations for illnesses including hepatitis B, Tetanus/Diphtheria, Influenza, Pneumonia, Shingles, and Tuberculosis are offered as needed. Titers can be drawn to determine which immunizations are needed for each individual. 

We partner with Faith Regional Rehabilitation Therapies to provide:

  • Functional Capacity Evaluations
  • Injury Rehabilitation
  • Pre-Placement/Post-Offer (PPPO) Physical Testing
  • Work Hardening/Conditioning