Casie Tucker, PA-C

Primary Clinics:

2701 W. Norfolk Ave., Floor 2
Norfolk, NE 68701 Ph: (402) 844-8158 Fax: (402) 844-8159 Hours: Monday - Thursday: 8:00 - 4:30 p.m.; Friday: 8:00 a.m. - Noon Directions

Casie Tucker, PA-C

I strive to decrease patient's pain and get them back to the activities they love and enjoy.

Casie Tucker, P.A.-C., provides orthopedic care and surgical assistance in general orthopedics and sports medicine. She works with a team of skilled medical staff at Faith Regional Physician Services Orthopedics in Norfolk, NE.

Casie grew up on an acreage outside of Norfolk. If her free time, she enjoys reading and spending time with her family.

Schedule an Appointment

Call us today at (402) 844-8158 to schedule an appointment. 

